Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can you believe Christmas will be here in six days? Six days! Are you ready? I'm not ready! Still have a few treasures to buy. Still need to wrap. So many things to do. Now, I know you must be saying, "It's been December for a few weeks now. Thanksgiving weekend happens and then it's time to get ready for Christmas." I'm afraid I'm never ready until the last minute - I'm talking wrapping till the wee hours of Christmas morning. With all the commercialism, it's hard for me to get into the Christmas Spirit (plus, missing loved ones that I wish were still with us - they made the holidays more special). Trying to scrounge all the money up to buy those must-have items on their wish lists (digging under the couch cushions and underneath the seats in my car for loose change). You think I'm kidding, don't you? Wish Santa could bring it all. I'm actually finished with all the main stuff. Just need to get those last minute stocking stuffers.

I do try to remind myself what Christmas is all about. We wouldn't have Christmas if it wasn't for Jesus, so I do always thank God for sending his sweet Son to us and for us. And I thank Jesus every day for his love and sacrifices. Oh, what that sweet man went through for all of us. Makes me cry to think about all he endured.

On a lighter note, let us take a moment to unwind just a little, not stress every minute of every day till the big day gets here. We need to relax before we lose it - try to minimize all the drama.

Try this exercise:

Inhale through your nostrils with a deep, long, cleannnnnnnsing breath. Hold it for a couple of seconds, or three. Ok, let it go slowly out of your mouth. Close your eyes. Say it with me now, ohmmmmm ...

Feel better? ;)

I'm going to make these next six days gleefully, deliriously happy, at least for my loved ones. I mean, fake it till ya make it, right? I want my little one to have wonderful memories, especially at Christmas. So, we are going to plan fun Christmas crafts and baking every day till The Day. Shoot, if I can get myself well (I've had a cold for a week), we might even get a group together and go caroling! I can't carry a tune in a bucket, so I'll just lip-sync - don't want all the neighborhood dogs howling. During her infancy, Hallie even let me know how tone deaf I was. I'd attempt to sing her lullabies and she'd take her leetle teeny hand and cover my mouth. Ha! Smart girl!

Got parties to go to during this next week. Trying to plan what all I'm creating for these little soirees. Perhaps those green bean casserole stuffed mushrooms might be good (my friend, Kaytie's recipe) - YUM. Of course, bringing wine. Duh! Don't you think parties and wine just go together? Mmmmm... Om, my deviled eggs is a must have for each family party, as they will never let me live it down if I forget them. I decided to skip the eggs one year and make all new dishes. Boy, did I get slammed on that one! Never to leave out the eggs again - EVA! They've still not let me forget about that one time...years ago. Decorated Christmas cookies - these will make nice little Christmas happies, wrapped up in special little Christmas boxes. Hallie loves to help make these - with her little white Suzie Homemaker apron and red Emeril's chef's hat. I will have to snap a picture and show you how cute she is in them. Or, perhaps we'll wear our boutique aprons we made in our sewing class! We'll get out the cookie cutters, icy glaze, white thin piped icing outlining each shape, ornamented with little candy sugar pearls and silver dragees. Ok, I'm ready to start making cookies now! And more ready to eat them! Just call me Cookie Monster! I love homemade Christmas cookies!! (In a crazy child-like voice...) Oh my....GOODNESS!! ;)

I think I found a leetle Christmas Spirit.

Oh, and Hallie is still learning her words for the school spelling bee that will be held in January. Word for today? bibliothecarial: of or relating to a library or bibliotheca or a librarian. (A bibliotheca is a collection of books; a library. A catalog of books.) Some of my younger readers may not have known that. Now ya do!

Hoping all of you have a sensational Saturday and a stupendous six days before Christmas. I will attempt to post again before or by Christmas day.

Happy early birthday, Jesus. It's all about you. We love ya.

From my family to you and your family, may you have a very blessed and

Merry Christmas!!

Love you guys!

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