Sunday, December 5, 2010

Daily Rambling

I've decided it's not that big of a deal to blog every single day, especially during the holidays. You are busy. We are busy. I will post at least once a week, and probably more once the holidays are behind us. Too much going on. Basketball practice, Spelling Bee practice, many different school projects, Beta Club projects, family parties, traveling, cooking, decorating. The list goes on and on. Y'all know how it is.

Update on last week:

Silly Lilly...
We realized a few mornings ago that Lilly, one of our many furbabes, could spell. I mentioned to Hallie how sweet so-&-so was being and would she please give so-&-so a t-r-e-a-t. Lilly went crazy, doing her little dance. She knew exactly what we were talking about. Smart leetle thing.

Compassionate hearts of children...
Hallie and I say morning prayers in the car on the way to school. She was talking to God, saying, "and thank you for sending your son to die on the cross to save us from our sins. That must've been really hard. But look at it this way: at least you have him back now." I love that baby so much, I ache. I just wanted to pull the car over and squeeze her!

Smarty pants...
Hallie won her class spelling bee and now she goes on to compete in the school bee in January. We have about 40 days to learn 275 words. We will be learning 8 words per day (spelling, pronunciation, definition and use in a sentence). The last 5 days will be for reviewing those words (spelling and pronunciation only). Thought I'd post one of the words per day that she's reviewing. We could all learn some new words, right? Some of you may know these words, but kids read my blog, too, and this will be helpful for them to learn a new word a day. I have to admit: I did not know all of these words myself. I mean "concomitant"? "detritus"? "duodenum"? "eohippus?" "Guernsey?" "har-angue"? I better brush up on my dictionary. Besides, some of these words could help me with my Words With Friends and Scrabble. ;) Some of these are easy. Others, not so much. Are you smarter than a 5th grader? I'm not so sure I am.

alphanumerical al·pha·nu·mer·ic·al \' al-fa-nu-‘mer-ik-əl\
Def 1: consisting of both letters and numbers and often other symbols (as
punctuation marks and mathematical symbols) ; also :
being a character in an alphanumeric system
Def 2: capable of using or displaying alphanumeric characters
Ex 1: An alphanumeric pager with vibrating alert clearly displays the
Ex 2: You will need to omit any spaces or characters which are not alphanumeric.
Have a great Sunday! Love y'all.

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