Thursday, December 23, 2010

Road Trip - Arizona Sunset

I know it's probably not what you might expect a couple of days before Christmas, but I was thinking about the road trip we took over the summer and longed to see those Arizona sunsets again. I felt the need to find some calming, entrancing, moments that might bring me a little peace.

A moment of calm in the midst of the storm that is Christmas with an eager child, an exhausted mother (she lives next door), a hyper mexican jumping bean of a dachshund, crazy cats that want our attention 24/7, no matter what you are doing and believe me, they will get right up in the middle of it (oh, and they might look squishy but don't be fooled - one of them is an attack cat and he's tried to kill me a couple of times), the constant barking of our 100 lb thinks-he's-a-lap-dog watch dog and general warning siren alerting us to more neighbors arriving for Christmas hospitality, party goings-on, traveling cat, or limbs waving in the wind - he alerts us to every sight and sound. Can be a good thing - or a bad thing - depending on how ya look at it, or what mood you're in, or what hour he wakes you. We live in the country, so we get many a wild animal scurrying through the yard, usually looking for a free meal. I can't help it, ok? I can't let those poor babies starve. The neighbors cats usually come over to eat, as well.

I digress. Sorry. You know how I ramble.

Road trip. Yes. We traveled through about 11 states, in about 13 days, covering over 5300 miles. Hallie, Mama and me. Was it relaxing? Not really. But it was breathtakingly beautiful and I enjoyed every...well...most minutes of it. I was tired from all the driving, as others were evidently tired from riding.

It was see my old stomping grounds in Great Falls, Montana, where I spent a few years in the Air Force. Not at all like I remembered it. Guess you really can't go home again. *sniff* I admit, I bawled like a baby. So did Mama (she and Daddy had visited me there several times). Hallie just caressed our arms, trying to comfort us, while wearing a perplexed expression. You'd think she would be used to dealing with my hormonal shifts and emotional mood swings - I am a woman, after all. I break into tears just from a song playing on the radio, or a familiar fragrance taking me away to way back when.

Anyway, I thought I'd just post some photos of those AZ sunsets and you can join me down memory lane and a smidgen of our road trip. Perhaps I'll post some pics of the Grand Canyon another day. I can finally cross that one off my bucket list! I wanna go back! Without further ado, enjoy.

Wanted to upload a few more but the system is reeeeeeeeeealyyyyyy ssssssslllllloooooowwww.

Night! Love y'all!

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