Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Lovely Thanksgiving Weekend

Truly, a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, so far. Ate wonderful foods at my Aunt & Uncle's. Gathered with many much loved family members and friends. Drank some wine. Laughed at the babies. Tried to keep from falling asleep on the ever so soft and gushy, sit-sink-and-get-lost-in-me-couch. Went home, fed and loved on the furry babies and watched a Christmas movie with Hallie.

Black Friday, we were initially strategizing our plan of attack. Kohl's was opening at 3am. Really wanted to go to Best Buy or Walmart to get something, but opted out the night before. I figure it's going to go on sale at least 4 or 5 more times before Christmas. Why put ourselves through all that - that headache?! Once upon a time, I loved to be in the middle of that chaos. To me, it seemed the hustle and bustle put me in the Christmas spirit. Not my idea of fun anymore, however. I lack patience when the line is half way around the store. I am NOT exaggerating. One Christmas, it was 3/4 around the store, and I just about fainted from just standing there, not to mention the heat of all the people sucking up the oxygen. Ok, I mentioned. That nightmare returns every Christmas when I think for a moment of venturing out and fighting the crowds on this day. I realize, I'll be dealing with holiday traffic from now till New Year's. I have no choice. The crowds will be out and about, as well, but I have no choice about that, either, but I'm so happy we opted out of Black Friday. We were completely lazy all day, watching movies - great movies and just relaxing. I cannot remember the last time we just laid around all day. Fabulous.

Today, we'll be hurrying up and waiting, since we do need to go to town to do a leetle shopping. Mostly for teachers' gifts, groceries and our Christmas trees. I miss the old days when we'd go walkin' in the woods, find the perfect tree and chop it down ourselves. A couple of years ago, I even decided since the prices of all the real trees were sky high, we'd take a chance with a poor leetle pathetic plastic tree. Big mistake. Huge. I mean, I suppose it was an ok tree as far as PLASTIC trees go, but it did not help with my Christmas spirit. At all. I wasn't feelin' it. To me, getting a real tree, that wonderful pine fragrance filling the house, even the needles falling on the floor, makes Christmas much more,...well,...Christmasy. I do not ever want to use a fake tree again.

Here's to hoping we find the perfect Christmas tree. Need to go find my tape measure. Even got my stand ready. Hope y'all have/find your perfectly perfect tree, as well.

Happy day. Love ya!


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