Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 11 - Thanksgiving Eve...contemplation

Thanksgiving Eve. Too tired to do my cooking. Will have to get up early to do the smashed taters, lemon pie and deviled eggs. Started out with the idea of making 6 things. What was I thinkin'? Some people might think I'm Super Mom, but I'm really not. I'm really just tired. There will be plenty of food at my Aunt and Uncle's. 3 things is plenty. Everyone brings for days and days and...

Just stopping by to say good night and bid you a very blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow, and a wonderfully long weekend with people you love. May we all be truly thankful to the Main Dude upstairs for all that he's gifted us.

I'm going to take some time for comtemplation this Thanksgiving weekend, to really count my blessings and realize just how blessed I am. It's so easy to take things for granted, isn't it? Take life for granted. I'm going to contemplate how I can make more of a difference and maybe give back somehow for all he's given. I seem to always be so busy and I don't know how I've given back lately. I'd really like to take some time to do that. To take action and show him how thankful I am.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all. Love ya! God speed.


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