Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 3 - A favorite tv show

I record our tv shows via DVR. We catch up on Hallie's shows on the weekend, usually, or on a night when we don't have an activity (such as studying for a test, basketball, etc.). I catch up on mine when I can drag my 'dragon' zombie butt out of bed early, before I have to get ready for work. Grab a pot o' coffee to pry my eyelids open and sit for an hour, or 45 minutes (I fast forward thru the commercials). I watch them early, because they're too old for Hallie, so I have to sneak 'em when she's asleep. She doesn't watch violence. I don't want her to be desensitized. Not only that - she doesn't like watching violence. I even had to mute and fast forward thru a couple of violent scenes in Twilight, while she had her eyes closed.

Well, there are about 7 tv shows that I love and some of these, the family watches together on Girls Night. On Friday nights, I get take out for the 3 of us (Hallie, Mama and me). Mama comes over and we watch something that we've recorded that we all like, I will have rented a chick flick, or sometimes Mama will bring over Seventh Heaven DVDs and we'll watch some of those episodes. We all love it!

There I go, rambling again.

The topic is "a favorite tv show", so I suppose that would be between The Event and Vampire Diaries. I am a big time fan of sci-fi! I'm a geek, I know. I don't care. I love science fiction! Always have! Ok, you probably already know what I'm going to say, if you read yesterday's post. Yup, Vampire Diaries it is. The writers are quite talented at developing the story line and keeping me on the edge of my seat. The show stays interesting throughout and I cannot zoom through those commercials fast enough! When it's all over, I'm left longing for the next episode. What I love about that is if we've had a really busy week and I could not manage to get up early for a while, I'll have 2 episodes taped and then I don't have to wait for the next one! Ha! Between seasons, I was seriously going into withdrawals. Yes, I realize I have a problem - cannot help myself. I'm past help. You might think this is another teeny bopper flick, and perhaps it is focused for 16-24ishes but I am fascinated with vampires and the show is really great, so there ya have it. That's my favorite.

Photos courtesy of (The Event) NBC; (Seventh Heaven) the WB; and (Vampire Diaries) the CW.

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